
 Miscommunication Is

The Root Cause Of

Suboptimal Performance.

Whether — on the stage, in front of the camera, at the microphone, throughout the executive suite, before the assembly, during closing arguments, within a policy or procedure, across data sets, among clients and colleagues, or between friends and lovers —  when there is failure, one can often first look to the relevant communication process(es) and begin to sort-out the problem.

  • Is it present?  

  • Is it inspired?

  • Is it clear and accurate (audible and legible)?    

  • Is it delivered with connection, consistency, authority, generosity of spirit, and trust?

If Not,

We Can Help.

We are accomplished actors, consultants, coaches and teachers who bring to the principles of classical theatre to the workplace, where the stakes are high and effective communication is paramount to success. 

We train actors, executives, lawyers, broadcasters, politicians, crises managers, negotiators, students, the incarcerated (really, anyone who needs to communicate) to be more present with themselves and others, to access their authentic voice, to speak and write more clearly, to overcome nerves and effectively deliver their texts so that they can tell their stories, accomplish their goals, win their cases, lead their followers, inform their viewers, gain acceptance or regain their freedoms.


All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women, meerely Players;

They have their Exits and their Entrances,

And one man in his time playes many parts,

- William Shakespeare, As You Like It